Charting Your Future with Tarot and Numerology
Using the Universal and Personal Year Numbers to plan the life you want
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Charting Your Future with Tarot and Numerology
In this course, we will be focusing specifically on looking at the Universal Year Numbers and your Personal Year Numbers, the influence they have in your lives, and what you can do about them. If you’re a tarot practitioner, you may have calculated your Tarot Year number once or twice before (which is the same as the Personal Year Number), and you may have already experienced the powerful influence of that particular tarot card on the year you had.
Just to give you an idea of how this works and why it is important; As you probably remember, 2016 was a notoriously difficult year for a lot of people. There were so many posts and memes going around about how difficult it was, and it seemed like every other week we were hearing news about legendary celebrities passing away. On an individual level, I had so many clients telling me about problems with their families, long-term relationships breaking up, wanting to leave their long-term jobs or careers for something new, and so on. Personally, my family and I were having a difficult time because my father had gotten sick in the middle of 2016. 2016 was the Universal Year of 9. The number 9 is related to endings, issues with family, global issues, and can also bring about "end of era" energies.
Knowing the Universal Year Numbers and their meanings can help you to prepare and plan ahead for anything that may come your way in that year. Knowing your Personal Year Number (also known as your Tarot Year Number) can help you get a better idea of how the energies of the Universal Year will manifest for you personally.
2017 is the Universal Year of 1, which is all about new beginnings and opportunities, standing out, achieving your goals and dreams. So what new beginnings and opportunities should you look out for this year? How will you stand out? Which goals and dreams do you want to achieve this year?
This course will teach you how to calculate the Universal Year Numbers and your Personal Year Numbers. We will be looking in depth into the meanings of those numbers, their tarot correspondences and meanings. You’ll be able to look back at significant events in your life and see how the energies of those numbers manifested for you previously, and you’ll also be able to chart your future based on these numbers.
What you will learn in this course will help you to get proactive and make the numbers and their energies work for you, instead of being reactive and just letting things happen to you. You will be able to plan ahead, find the best ways to achieve your goals and face challenges. You will be able to uncover your life cycles and themes, discover strengths and weaknesses, and take charge of your own life.
I hope that you will find the information here helpful to you, and I am looking forward to seeing you in class and sharing all this with you.
What we will be covering in this course:
- How to find the Universal Year Numbers and the Personal Year Numbers
- The difference between the Universal Year Number and Personal Year Number energies
- Meanings of the Numbers in numerology
- Tarot correspondences to the Numbers and their meanings
- How to put the numerology and tarot meanings together
- The life cycles combinations and themes
- How to interpret all the above information to chart a smooth course for your life ahead
Recommended materials:
A Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) tarot deck or a RWS-clone tarot deck is highly recommended for this course
This course includes:
- a 135-page PDF coursebook
- 5 lessons and 5 workbooks
- more than 90 minutes of video lessons
- access to's online community for students of metaphysical and spiritual studies
“I recently completed your course and I just had to send you an email to tell you how much I enjoyed it! You provided such great information in an easy to understand format! I’m finding that many of my major life events and life changes corresponded quite accurately with the Universal Year Numbers combined with my Personal Year Numbers. Very eye opening! Thank you!! The information is already helping me understand the Tarot cards more and is also helping me understand how numerology has such a profound effect on our lives. Again, just so interesting! Thank you again for taking the time to research and put this class together. I just loved it!” – Dawn Hessler
“I just wanted to thank you Hazellie Wong for a great course! I am also a personal year #7 in a universal year #1. I am amazed on how accurate this method is. I have had alot of new beginnings this year and I have been taking courses/reading in various spiritual/esoteric studies. My stalker tarot card for me this year has also been The Tower! Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and I look forward to planning/charting for 2018!!!” – Anni Phang
Your Instructor
Hazellie Wong is a professional tarot diviner, numerologist, and spiritual coach. She is also the founder of and a certified Master Herbalist. She has taught courses on tarot, numerology, and moon magic on various platforms online and in-person, and is actively involved in the sacred feminine spiritual movement. As a third-generation healer with more than 10 years of experience with the tarot and five years of professional experience reading and teaching tarot and numerology, she is passionate about helping people achieve optimum spiritual and emotional health through spiritual guidance. You can learn more about her at, contact her through email at [email protected] or [email protected], or follow her on Instagram and/or Twitter @hazelliewong.